Unveiling the Importance of Gaze Detection in Proctoring with Rosalyn

Gaze detection technology uses computer vision and artificial intelligence algorithms to track the movement of a test taker’s eyes. By monitoring a student’s gaze, online proctors can detect instances of collaboration, distraction, or the use of unauthorized materials, and take appropriate actions.

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Top 7 Live Online Proctoring Disadvantages—And How You Can Solve Them

While online proctoring is opening up new opportunities for students off campus, some proctoring systems can present serious problems.

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Top 8 Ways Remote Proctoring of Exams Can Benefit Your Students

Widespread use of remote proctoring of exams during the pandemic has brought a furious backlash from some students and faculty.

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The Surveillance State of Education

Many colleges and universities turned to AI-based proctoring software to prevent cheating on remote-learning exams. But to overcome privacy concerns and other problems, technology providers need to listen to the students.

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Top 3 Online Test Administration Challenges—and How to Solve Them

A state-of-the-art online proctoring solution should address the complexities of online test administration and scoring to ensure test validity.

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How Remote Proctoring Technology Improvements Can Benefit Students More

Choosing the right remote proctoring technology can help minimize the negative opinions associated with online proctoring and offer meaningful benefits for students.

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How Online Proctoring Tools With Webcam—and AI—Can Address Students' Test-taking Frustrations

Online proctoring tools with webcam access should thoughtfully integrate AI to create better student assessment experiences.

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How Online Test Administration Benefits Graduate Degree Programs

Cutting-edge online test administration in graduate degree programs can help students and institutions thrive.

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How Online Proctoring Software Can Reduce Anxiety for Students

Online proctoring software anxiety is common when the platform used does not prioritize the student experience.

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Rosalyn Explainer

Rosalyn online proctoring: Gaze detection

Valid Questions Ep.3: How can proctoring create more opportunities for learners?

eAA Online Proctoring Seminar

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