
Noor Akbari

February 22, 2024

Meet ChatGPT-4: The Cutting Edge AI Language Model

Cosmetic surgery is commonplace among American citizens, especially those who are witnessing the inevitable changes that age brings about. According to ISAPS (International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery), the United States ranked highest in the number of cosmetic surgical procedures performed in 2020. However, cosmetic surgery is not exclusively an American practice. Brazil, Germany, India, and Mexico were also high ranking contenders. One might ask, what is the motivation behind the pursuit of cosmetic surgery? The obvious answer is to better the aesthetics of the outward appearance. However, another and rather underappreciated motive might be that cosmetic surgery can have a considerable impact on the body’s functionality. For example, a rhinoplasty (nose job), might improve the initial appearance of one’s face, but it likely has a greater effect on the facial structure and nasal airways thus improving quality of life.

Technology is similar. Software, websites, apps, etc. need updating. Aesthetically and internally. Surface level Improvements such as color usage, videos, links, and user friendliness can certainly improve the overall attractiveness of any technology. Deeper procedures might include new/updated code installations, bug fixes, security enhancement, and general configuration. In a recent blog we examined the differences between generative and analytical AI and introduced a close cousin, Rosalyn AI. Chatgpt falls into the generative category, hence the acronym “Chat Generative Pre-trained Transformer.” We learned that through machine learning algorithms, it (Chatgpt) answers (almost) any question and provides information about any topic. The information is accessible over various platforms and is delivered in a familiar text messaging or instant messaging like exchange. Although the original version was a trailblazer and a technological wonder, it was recently announced that a new and improved variant has been released. Just two weeks ago on March 14, Chatgpt co-creator Sam Altman announced the birth of Chatgpt-4. He tweeted:

Twitter has been a tidal wave of excitement ever since! It is unknown as to whether or not, Chaptgpt-4 will include an interface-lift, but the comprehensive functionality is promised to be a colossal improvement. Altman notes that “ (Chaptgpt-4) is more creative than previous models, it hallucinates significantly less, and it is less biased. It can pass a bar exam and score a 5 on several AP exams. There is a version with a 32k token context.” Altman’s indication is that massive amounts of information can be processed via Chatgpt-4 almost instantaneously. 

We understand that each of Chatgpt-4’s predecessors had natural language processing, large context size, unsupervised and transfer learning capabilities, and of course, multimodal language processing. Chatgpt-4 maintains these same capabilities. Some of the most notable updates include image processing, increased memory, coding capabilities and customization. All in all, responses and complex performance will be more human-like than ever before. Currently, those with VIP access are able to adjust the style in which responses are received. Altman tweeted “We now support a ‘system’ message in the API that allows developers (and soon ChatGPT users) to have significant customization of behavior. If you want an AI that always answers you in the style of Shakespeare, or in json, now you can have that.” 

On the more domestic side of things, Chatgpt-4 is rumored to have the ability to create recipes based on an image of on-hand ingredients. Supposedly, Chatgpt-4 can do your taxes and be a personalized tutor for your kids. 

Conclusively, whether enhanced aesthetics or functionality was needed, the newest variant of Chatgpt-4 is IT. Keep up, this is going to be good.

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