3 min read

7 Educational Trends and Predictions for 2033

The COVID-19 pandemic forced virtual learning into hands that had perhaps not yet experienced it. It’s important to remember, however, that receiving a remote education is not a new concept. There have been elements of online learning for decades. Few institutions, outside of higher education, knew the power of virtual learning until the pandemic infiltrated our everyday lives. 

In the last decade, technology has advanced more quickly than ever before. Since 2013, artificial Intelligence (AI) was born, alongside the widespread adoption of IoT (Internet of Things), which allows for the proliferation of device connectivity and networks. AR (augmented reality) and VR (virtual reality) also came into play in addition to 5G technology, cloud computing, and biotechnology. It’s difficult to consider the possibility of technology continuing at this pace of development or even perhaps increasing in speed. However, by 2033, it is predicted that potential trends in educational technology will include the following: 

  1. AI advancement 
  2. Virtual and Augmented Reality Integration
  3. Gamification of Learning 
  4. Adaptive Learning 
  5. Blended Learning
  6. Mobile Learning
  7. Automation and Robotics

AI Advancement 

Artificial Intelligence has already entered the classroom, however, due to its early stages of development is likely not being used to full potential. When used appropriately, AI has the ability to create a more efficient method of learning for students of all ages.

Virtual and Augmented Reality Integration 

VR and AR technologies are currently on the more expensive side of the spectrum which makes them exclusively accessible to those who can afford them. By 2033, it is hoped that a more cost effective device will be developed to allow accessibility for public educational institutions. Imagine the possibility of a 3rd grader visiting the Taj Mahal as he or she studies about world history and culture? Or perhaps a 2nd year medical student practicing life saving surgical procedures due to AR capabilities? 

Gamification of Learning

It is likely that at one point or another, during the length of a formal education, one wished that “school was more fun”. Well, by 2033, we hope that through gamification technology, it will be. 

Adaptive, Blended, and Mobile Learning 

The true beauty to be found in the varied approaches to learning is that of choice. For centuries, the only option was the traditional method of live oral instruction provided by someone with prior knowledge on any given topic. Today, we are trending up in the widespread accessibility to students through virtual learning opportunities. However, there is still a widespread population who are accustomed and perhaps prefer an face-to-face educational experience. By 2033, we aspire that the learner can choose how they learn. 

Automation and Robotics 

As with AI, automation and robotics offer increased efficiency and productivity. There is an increased presence of robotics in the workplace. By 2033, due the evolving role of robots, the workplace may be safer by allowing robotics to assume the more hazardous, repetitive, and/or physically demanding tasks, which ultimately will provide protection to human workers from exposure to dangerous environments, chemicals, heavy lifting, etc.

The predictions discussed previously are but mere possibilities. Yet who is to say that in 10 years from now, these ideas won’t be daily realities?

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