Unveiling the Importance of Gaze Detection in Proctoring with Rosalyn

Gaze detection technology uses computer vision and artificial intelligence algorithms to track the movement of a test taker’s eyes. By monitoring a student’s gaze, online proctors can detect instances of collaboration, distraction, or the use of unauthorized materials, and take appropriate actions.

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Announcing Rosalyn's innovative new features: Leading the way in online proctoring

It is with great excitement that we announce some groundbreaking updates to Rosalyn that will transform the way universities conduct online exams.

7 Min READ

Your Online Exam Experience Matters: How 4 Students Rate the Most Popular Platforms

<p id="">When someone doesn't follow the rules in an academic environment, there must be consequences to ensure fairness. But what happens when the evidence isn’t clear? Or when the evidence absolving them is overlooked? The integrity of the system is lost.<br></p><p id="">Academic institutions can easily fall into this situation when they choose the wrong online proctoring software. Relying solely on human proctors is impractical, imprecise, and does not offer the documentary evidence available in automated systems. Algorithmic proctoring solutions without human oversight, however, can produce inaccurate results, perpetuate systemic inequality, and leave students without recourse. And these are not the only factors universities and other academic institutions must consider; many remote proctoring solutions include features that students find profoundly intrusive or even discriminatory. Such products may catch violations during an online exam, but at what cost? <br></p><p id="">Robust and thoughtful invigilation is necessary to create strong relationships with students, <a href="https://www.rosalyn.ai/blog/8-essential-online-exam-security-tips-to-maintain-academic-integrity-ros" target="_blank" id="">ensure the integrity of test results</a>, and preserve the reputations of academic institutions. By exploring how four students rate some of the most widely used remote proctoring solutions, you can better understand the need for a state-of-the-art online exam experience. &nbsp;</p>

7 Mins

Why Online Proctoring Software Privacy Concerns Should Put Students First

<p id="">Students often have very little power. The curriculum is set and professors and graduate student instructors are in control of grading. Since the pandemic began, the academic experience is a far cry from what many students signed up for. Meanwhile, the cost of education in the United States remains high, leaving many students with debts they will be paying for years to come. In addition to surrendering control and being shortchanged on the value of their education, they are now subject to intrusive proctoring approaches without the opportunity to give meaningful consent. That consent needs to be earned now.<br></p><ul id=""><li id="">Students have a right to be tested in a way that is fair.</li><li id="">Students have a right to pursue their educational goals without having to surrender their right to be treated with dignity and respect at all times, including while they’re being tested.</li><li id="">Educators are responsible for being advocates of the rights of their students, not the ones to endanger those rights. As Clark Kerr, former Chancellor of the University of California, once said, “The University is not engaged in making ideas safe for students. It is engaged in making students safe for ideas.”<br></li></ul><p id="">Addressing students’ online proctoring software privacy concerns requires not just technological innovation, but a commitment to protecting student dignity and staying responsive to student needs in <a href="https://www.rosalyn.ai/blog/proctoring-during-covid-requires-change-how-higher-ed-can-adapt-more-effectively-ros" target="_blank" id="">an evolving educational landscape</a>. </p>

7 Min READ

Why Online Test Administration Guidance Should Include Student Input

<p id="">I often say that Rosalyn is different from other proctoring companies in that we put students first. Not students only, of course, because we pay close attention to the needs of educational institutions and certifying organizations which sign the contracts. But students first, in that students’ experience with online assessment technology is the most essential data we consider as we develop our online proctoring system. If you’re involved in developing online test administration guidance at a school, it behooves you to include student input.</p>

8 min read

Rosalyn aides Nexford University in Obtaining Accreditation

Nexford University is an online educational institution that offers affordable and quality education using AI technology. They sought to obtain DC accreditation, which required learner identity verification through proctoring assessment services. Nexford chose Rosalyn AI as their proctoring system because it integrates with their learning management system and simplifies the assessment process for professors. Nexford values accessibility to education, and Rosalyn's team and quick response to issues have made them a good fit.

6 min read

Introducing Chatgpt’s Second Cousin, Rosalyn : A Deeper Look at Analytical AI vs. Generative AI

An exploration of the familial relationship between the trending Chatgpt and assessment proctoring leader, Rosalyn AI.


Unveiling the Importance of Gaze Detection in Proctoring with Rosalyn

Gaze detection technology uses computer vision and artificial intelligence algorithms to track the movement of a test taker’s eyes. By monitoring a student’s gaze, online proctors can detect instances of collaboration, distraction, or the use of unauthorized materials, and take appropriate actions.

6 min read

Why Proactive Exam Fraud Detection is key to the Future of Higher Education

Proactive Fraud detection is key to the future of higher education due to the demand for institutional integrity, quality assurance of programs offered, as well as the promised protection of the financial and academic interests of both student and stakeholder.

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7 min read

Why Your Remote Proctoring Approach Is Essential for Student Test-taking Success

One of the oldest axioms of the computer industry is “Garbage in, garbage out.” The modern equivalent of that truism as it relates to artificial intelligence algorithms is “Bias in, bias out.”

7 Mins

Top 9 Remote Proctoring Benefits for Universities—And Their Students

Remote proctoring is under the microscope at educational institutions across the country.

7 min read

Why Developing Online Test Administration for Graduate Degrees in Business Makes Sense For Universities

Increasing online learning opportunities in business schools is essential for meeting evolving student needs.

7 min read

When Online Test Administration Makes Sense for Graduate Degree Programs in Health

Online test administration for graduate degree programs in health can play a key role in keeping students safe and supporting their career goals while ensuring standards are met.

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Rosalyn Explainer

Rosalyn online proctoring: Gaze detection

Valid Questions Ep.3: How can proctoring create more opportunities for learners?

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