Unveiling the Importance of Gaze Detection in Proctoring with Rosalyn

Gaze detection technology uses computer vision and artificial intelligence algorithms to track the movement of a test taker’s eyes. By monitoring a student’s gaze, online proctors can detect instances of collaboration, distraction, or the use of unauthorized materials, and take appropriate actions.

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7 Mins

How Remote Proctoring Technology Improvements Can Benefit Students More

<p id="">Remote proctoring technology is often viewed unfavorably by students. From invasive features to technological malfunctions, poor online proctoring software design has resulted in lawsuits, student protests, and loss of trust in institutions. With concern growing, improvements must be made to get students on board and allow them to <a href="https://www.rosalyn.ai/blog/top-8-ways-remote-proctoring-of-exams-can-benefit-your-students-ros" target="_blank" id="">fully benefit from online exams</a>.</p>

7 min read

How Online Proctoring Tools With Webcam—and AI—Can Address Students' Test-taking Frustrations

<p id="">Once used mostly for video chats and meetings, webcams have become a vital component of remote testing. Online proctoring tools with webcams allow proctors to monitor students and record test sessions. But while webcams are a valuable part of online proctoring, they often cause frustrations amongst test takers. Now, innovative assessment solutions with AI technology are changing that.</p>

7 Mins

How Online Test Administration Benefits Graduate Degree Programs

<p id="">Today, an estimated <a href="https://hbr.org/2020/01/should-you-go-to-graduate-school" target="_blank" id="">27%</a> of employers require master’s degrees for roles in which undergraduate degrees once sufficed. It is no wonder, then, that graduate and professional school enrollment in the United States increased by <a href="https://www.census.gov/data/tables/2019/demo/school-enrollment/2019-cps.html" target="_blank" id="">nearly 10 percent</a> from 2011 to 2018 and tripled since the 1970s. But the educational landscape is very different than it was even a decade ago. With the rise of remote education, high-quality online test administration is key for graduate degree programs to attract students and create positive learning experiences.</p>

7 Mins

How Online Proctoring Software Can Reduce Anxiety for Students

<p id="">Most of us can relate to the anxious feelings that arise when it’s time to take an exam. No matter how prepared you are, there is usually a certain level of stress that comes with testing. Now, remote exams are introducing new sources of worry. Online proctoring software anxiety is a growing concern that educators and institutions must address to support student success.</p>

7 minutes

Comparing AI Proctoring Models and Traditional Live Human Proctoring: An In-depth Guide for Educational Leaders

This comprehensive guide explores the evolution of proctoring services, delving into the intricacies and comparisons of different AI proctoring models.


5 Educational AI Misconceptions: Unpacking the Truth about AI in Online Proctoring

As artificial intelligence (AI) takes center stage across industries, it brings misconceptions, especially in remote exam proctoring—a field accelerated by COVID-19.

- 8 Minutes

The Cheat Code Epidemic: How AI is Breaking Academic Trust

Welcome to the future of cheating, where AI isn't just an ally but an accomplice. Discover how Rosalyn.ai is combating this threat.

2 minutes

Unveiling Rosalyn.ai's Advanced Proctoring Features: Reinforcing Examination Integrity Through Cutting-Edge AI

Join us as we journey into a new epoch of enhanced proctoring, powered by the latest innovations at Rosalyn.ai.

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7 min read

Why Your Remote Proctoring Approach Is Essential for Student Test-taking Success

One of the oldest axioms of the computer industry is “Garbage in, garbage out.” The modern equivalent of that truism as it relates to artificial intelligence algorithms is “Bias in, bias out.”

7 Mins

Top 9 Remote Proctoring Benefits for Universities—And Their Students

Remote proctoring is under the microscope at educational institutions across the country.

7 min read

Why Developing Online Test Administration for Graduate Degrees in Business Makes Sense For Universities

Increasing online learning opportunities in business schools is essential for meeting evolving student needs.

7 min read

When Online Test Administration Makes Sense for Graduate Degree Programs in Health

Online test administration for graduate degree programs in health can play a key role in keeping students safe and supporting their career goals while ensuring standards are met.

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Rosalyn Explainer

Rosalyn online proctoring: Gaze detection

Valid Questions Ep.3: How can proctoring create more opportunities for learners?

eAA Online Proctoring Seminar

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