Integrate with Rosalyn
Integrate with Rosalyn in Days, Not Months.
Integration shouldn't be your biggest challenge. While other proctoring solutions require months of complex integration work, Rosalyn's modern architecture gets you up and running in as little as 2 developer days.
Choose Your Path to Integration
LTI Integration-Instant setup with Canvas, Moodle, and D2L.
LTI 1.3 compliance for seamless authentication
Automated grade syncing and user provisioning
Deploy to your entire institution in minutes
REST API Integration
Modern, well-documented REST APIs
Swagger/OpenAPI 3.0 specification
Async communication via webhooks
Comprehensive error handling and debugging tools
Custom Solutions
White-label capabilities
Flexible deployment options
Custom workflow support
Enterprise SSO integration
Avg. Respose Time
API Uptime
Concurrent Session Support
Developer Support
LTI 1.3
Compliant LMS Integration
Single-Sign On Support
for Custom Integrations
1-2 Weeks
Implementation Timeline